Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lynn's Lines - Putting the X in Xmas

I am a big advocate of not mentioning or even thinking about Christmas before Thanksgiving. It seems like every year Christmas advertisements and music start earlier and earlier. I was on my way to work this morning and noticed 3 different advertisements for Xmas, which recalled a conversation Tricia and I had a few weeks ago. She gets really upset when she sees Xmas instead of she says: "It takes Christ out of Christmas," but does it?

After arriving at work I immediately visited a colleague and asked: "Does it upset you to see Xmas instead of Christmas?" In short her response was the same as mine - "NO!" (although her husband has the same feelings as Tricia). Let me explain...

In Spanish the word Cristo (Christ) is abbreviated as X. For example the name Cristobal is often written as Xbal, or Xbl (I won't list all the abbreviations). In German it's the same. When the name Christopher is it's written as Xpher or Xffer.

Before you think that companies, or people are taking Christ out of Christmas - remember that X is an abbreviation for Christ. You can read a more about the etymology of Christmas (and how the X became an abbreviation for Christ) on Wikipedia. I know it's a little early, but MERRY XMAS!


Anonymous said...

Huh, had never really thought of that, and I speak Spanish. Thanks for posting this! Really made me think.

Tricia said...

I said that if Lynn could show me the history behind "XMas," that I just might write it on our decoration boxes. Looking at it, it's still gonna take some getting used to.

Lynn Turner, AG said...

Note: Tricia has said that there are some grammar and misspellings in my post. FYI: I rarely re-read my posts, so please excuse any errors - thanks for still reading.

goddessdivine said...

Sorry, but substituting an 'X' for Christ is totally taking Christ out of Christmas. I've never heard of substituting an 'X' in Spanish....and I majored in it. (But what do I know?!)

We speak English in this country, so any alteration to the word Christmas is just that: an alteration. It is often done out of haste and carelessness. Folks who do so are not trying to use the abbreviation; they're being lazy. That's the first sign of apostasy you know. ;-)

You'll never see me buying any cards that say 'Merry X-mas', or 'Happy Holidays' for that matter.

You really should proofread your posts. The errors are killing me. :-O

Tricia said...

Got to defend Lynn on this one. I know you majored in Spanish, goddessdivine, but what about Spanish Paleography? He's got you on that one. :)

Mrs Andy said...

It's the same in Bulgarian and Greek....

Xristoc = Christ althought the word for Christmas in Bulgarian has no reference to Christ in it....funny.

But I do agree about the whole Christmas before Thanksgiving, it sad we when have to celebrate Thanks-o-ween-mas instead of the holidays seperately.

The Wards said...

I'm listening to Christmas music right now, but I'm still really excited for Thanksgiving too!!

Amie said...

That's very interesting about x being an abreviation although it doesn't change anything in my mind. I don't think that Christ's name should be abreviated. It's kind of like giving him a nickname. Like when people call me "Aim". It's a sacred name and at least in English seems disrepectful to shorten or substitute it. I also have a hard time with the way x-mas looks because it's like putting an x over His name. Anyway, I hope we can still be friends, but I'm not convinced! Thanks for sharing.

Andrea said...

That is really interesting about the abbreviations, but I'm all about leaving it as is. It makes me cringe when I see xmas. For me it is taking Christ out of Christmas.

I do love it when you have something to say, though. Keep it up!

PS, still trying to think of women who scare me.

I've come up with the one creepy lady from poltergeist/teen witch. about the lady from The Princess Bride who is yelling "boo, boo, bow down to the queen of filth...". She's creepy.

Jess said...

I'm really sorry, but I'm with (most) everyone else on this one. I talked to my husband and he said him and his family have never heard of this. (Spanish being their first language) And his family born and raised in Mexico and Roger himself living there a few years, also he served his mission in Guatemala and his brother in Uraguay, they never heard of this in any of those places and in their language. So it may be in a Spanish (and other languages) dictionary but it is not widely known. And even then it is just what he said... An abbreviation and I for one do not believe in abbreviating Christ. I'm with amy.. Christ is a sacred name and should not be changed or abbreviated. That and I agree with some of the others too... Most people that use this abbreviation don't know that's what it is. It is either "trendy" or time saving to do it and I just imagine a big X over the top of his sacred name when I see it. Sorry! lol...thanks for the info though! And good for you for starting such a great discussion on here! I love these! :)