Sunday, July 5, 2009

Like a kid again...

The last time I was in Hawaii I was 21, with my best friend, and we went everywhere, did everything, and never got tired. At least, I don't remember getting tired. We went shopping, we went snorkeling, we flirted with guys (how could we help it?), we hiked, we drove, we ate gallons of ice cream...

Now, 12 years later, Lynn and I leave the house around 11:30am to go do our stuff for the day, and we are totally exhausted by like 3 or 4pm! And that's stretching it! For sure I've got a good two hours in me, but anything past that is asking for too much.

And we're not even talking about strenuous stuff, here. Snorkeling is totally wearing me out! There's no way I can even think about hiking up some volcano crater - I can barely make it through the sand from the road to the shore!

I am drinking plenty of water, and staying hydrated, as everyone always says is so important. So much so that I need to go back in the ocean just so that I can pee again! Ha! Warm spots, gotta love 'em.

Anyway, I am realizing that I am not the young chick that I used to be, and that I just don't have the energy that I once did. Maybe it's my age. Maybe it's the weather here. Maybe it's a phase. Who knows...


Zandra said...

Uh-oh. Someone is getting old. J/K We totally have those moments when we realize we can't do as much as we used to. Hope you guys are having fun. How about some pictures?

Zandra said...

Oops I didn't see the posts below so I didn't realize you had already posted pictures. It looks beautiful there- I am jealous.