This was a bad one because it shows just how messy I am, but I like it because it's all pictures. You have to take pictures of the following things, without doing any cleaning or straightening up beforehand. As you will see, I really did not do any cleaning before taking these pictures.
1. My Favorite Room
2. My Bedroom
4. My Bathroom Sink
5. My Favorite Pair of Shoes
7. Myself
Now tag 5 people. The five I tag are: Marcie, Karen, Xfer, Sydney, and Andrea!
Awesome. Glad you have a few messes at your house too!
Thanks for being a good sport! I love that you are still wearing the shoes, so funny!
Tricia cheated - those aren't her favorite pair of shoes. The real pair are an old pair of Converse from middle school. She never wears them, and they have holes in the the size of a quarter. I think they at the bottom of the pile of clothes in her closet. tagged me and I will put it up soon. You can read my blog for why I didn't yet.
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